Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 6: Jack Daniel Meets Two Old Friends

Baltimore, MD to Nashville, TN
738 Miles


9:00 am- As Baltimore had taken its toll on us (especially BG), we woke up outside Nashville with a taste for Jack Daniels.

Guess Tennessee just puts that mood in people.

Tennessee has really cool trees.

3:30 pm- We popped in Straight Outta Cashville by Young Buck and were welcomed to the home of the Titans.

4:15 pm- I took a piss here.

I think someone else took a piss in here yesterday.

5:00 pm- We had a beer and a shot at Coyote Ugly, but Printer's Alley on Church St. hadn't woken up yet, so we pushed on. 

7:30 pm- Rob just smelled my popcorn feet. 

12:00 pm- Jack Daniel's distillery was great; we finally got our emergency bottle of whiskey and a nice whiff of whiskey in the middle of distillation- it smelled like ol' grand-dad.

It's a dry county here, otherwise workers would never make it to the job. And at the first payday of the month, employees get a bottle of Jack; unfortunately, they only need 15 guys to run the place. 

We'll be coming back with 10 grand and buying our own barrel o' whiskey.

6:05 pm- Rob complained a lot at Coyote Ugly

5:05 pm- The bartender at Coyote Ugly, wearing a bra and half-shirt, yet complaining that it was cold, gave us some play dough; she told us to make something sexual. 

Rob made two people holding hands and Bill built a toilet. The new collaboration creation was a big hit.

That's how a blumpkin rolls.

Coyote Ugly is a little boring when no one's dancing on the bar; I bet they probably repeat these games a little too much.
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1 comment:

jules said...

coyote ugly? same as the movie?