Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hot Christmas item....

So it is getting closer to my second favorite holiday.... Christmas!

I love everything about it, the movies (you can find my review of one on this very site!), the lights, the fact that people are actually nicer to one another, but most of all I enjoy buying Christmas gifts.

In fact I like to get my shopping done early and really enjoy the look on people's face when they open that perfect gift.

now I realize not many of you feel the same way as me, in fact many people hate this part of the holiday season more than anything.

Well today I am here to give you the ultimate gift idea!
(Bobby Crooked, please stop reading from here on out as I don't want your gift ruined)

Ok, now this year, if you are looking for the ultimate christmas gift, I present to you....

The Carstache!!!!

You have the firestache for the Albino Rihno

Legendary blond for Bobby...

and what lucky lady wouldn't want so hot pink?!?

So order your's today and give your friends and family the christmas gift of a life time!
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Signs of the Times

The 80's were clearly a magical era, judging from the amount of love they've been getting in film and television. With the release of Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps, It Just Takes Naps this last weekend, I have to wonder if perhaps they're going too far.

This summer, I did not see many good movies. What surprised me though, is how sure I was of which ones were going to be terrible, something that others may tell you is my only weakness. (The week where we went to see Hulk and Charlie's Angels 2 still hurts.) But it really impressed me how many 80's movies they have brought out this season, and how all of them have been god-awful. Here is a list I made:

Wall Street 2
The A-Team
Nightmare on Elm Street
Red Dawn
The Karate Kid - which wasn't that bad, maybe, but I still fell asleep during it

as well as the handful of shitty 80's homages:
Hot Tub Time Machine

I wasn't around for a lot of the 80's, but I can't imagine it was this flat and boring. I mean, there was so much Cocaine! Maybe that was the problem. I was thinking how unnecessary it is to remake Wall Street- the first one is so perfectly 80's, from the music to the use of Charlie Sheen as a main character. Frankly, I'd be pissed if they picked Shia LeBeouf as the modern version of 80's me.

And it's not the first time it's happened. Just ask Harrison Ford.

Even today's music sounds like bad 80's knock-offs. How else do you explain the fake Madonna-isms of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga? The cheap-ass synths and constant bass booms that were so cool in the 80's have somehow returned, and are just as cheap as ever. But the kids love it!

But, we here at BRM don't let little things like this get us down. Bad music and movies are always coming out. So I am here to gather ideas for the best 90's throwback films that we can make 10 years from now. Here are a few of my suggestions:

Ricochet R/C Car

Does anyone remember this thing? How cool would a movie be, with this as the main character? Nothing would stop Ricochet; car chases would be revolutionized. If they're serious about remaking shows like Knight Rider, they gotta do more than just trot out a shinier car. How about one that wants you to try your hardest to crash it?


Hell yeah you can make a movie about pogs! Here's the main character-

I can still remember how busted up kids would get when you were playing pogs for keeps. This was high drama. They had to ban pogs at my school because it was worse than gambling. And they're Hawaiian, so you can make a sweet beach bums style film out of it too.

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

I was going to say Goosebumps, but it turns out they're already making that into a movie, (along with Battleship, the board game!?) so this is pretty much the next best thing. Goddamn did I love staying up late on a Saturday night to watch these. Pretty much the entire Nickelodeon 90's line-up is ripe for reimagining: Hey Dude, Salute your Shorts, Pete and Pete, even the game shows like Guts, and Hidden Secrets of the Mayan Temple could be great. I don't know why Nick has let Disney beat them at their own game- the Disney Channel used to be for bitches. Now they got the Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers ... well, at least it used to be less popular is my point.

13 Dead End Drive

If they're going to make Battleship and Monopoly into movies, then they better throw this one into the mix too. I never played this game, because my parents were poor. But just like I never had my own Power Wheels, I sure as shit had good taste in what was the coolest thing in the world. And while 13 Dead End Drive is definitely not it, sometimes you gotta low-ball a little bit.

That was what the 90's were all about, after all.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not quite as good as the double rainbow....

Brooklyn's version of a double rainbow...

What does it mean?
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Monday, September 20, 2010

I think Weird Al's gonna sue somebody

Our good friend David Mamet has teamed up with Danny Devito and clearly payed him his Troll Toll. But don't get too excited, it doesn't contain a our favorite Mamet daughter, though for a second I coulda sworn it did.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tales from the Tailgate

I'm really not much of a sports fan, but when given the opportunity to see live sporting events, I can muster up some spirit. Well, I didn't actually get to see the Hawkeyes play in Kinnick Stadium--instead I got to meander through the crowds of adoring fans. Fans who look like this:

And this:

Now, there are currently about 30,000 students at the University of Iowa. And tailgating is a tradition probably as old as organized sports.

It really blew my mind to walk towards the stadium and see a huge sea of yellow. Throngs of people gathered around old pick-up trucks, massive RVs, little Hawkeye tents, and tables laden with food and beverage. It really is an unforgettable experience to be among thousands of people who are as drunk as Uncle Marty at an Irish 10am. Actually, the true Hawkeye gets the party started upon the first crow of the rooster (I think that's like 6am for non-farming folk).

Cock-a-doodle-doo, let's get wasted!...

...with John Kerry?

Well, I think the best part of my foray into tailgating, besides counting how many black-and-yellow striped overalls I saw or smelling big ass turkey legs (their offical name), was when my friend almost got beat up by one of the drunkest girls I have ever seen. She tried to start a fight when she sat down next to my friend and tried to talk to us. Her eyes were half-open, her words were slurred, and she was fully decked out in black and gold. When we got up, she said to my friend, "Yea, you better leave. You know I could beat you up, b*tch." We sure dodged that bullet.

I do hope to get to go to another tailgating event-- I'd down Yagerbombs and pigs-in-a-blanket with the rest of them. All I need is a sweet pair of overalls.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Random Thoughts from the MTV Video Music Hoe-wards 2K10

-First off, does anyone else think it's funny that MTV has become like KFC in that they only use their initials? Kinda like how everyone said they can't call it Kentucky Fried Chicken because it's not technically chicken, you can't call MTV Music Television because they don't technically play music.

-Usher was only invited because he brought Beiber.

-Speaking of Beiber, I am going to try him on a new scale that I use to judge boy pop stars. I believe that a male pop star can only write love songs until he actually gets laid consistently. All of the major ones of the past few decades have faltered around their early 20's and stopped making music. Example; when was the last time we heard Justin Timberlake sing?
The only one to make it was MJ, who made pop hits well into his 50's...because he had no interest in getting pussy. I'm sure there is a connection somehow.

-Chelsea Handler is the anti-boner. She's like bitchy single older lady at the family parties that all of your relatives like and you can't figure out why. She's not particularly funny or attractive, but she always brings vodka so everyone thinks she's cooler than she is.

-Katy Perry, Keisha, and Lady Gaga are terrible at public speaking. They are borderline special people. Considering how fake their music is and how moderately attractive they are, I do not understand how they got so popular.

-Tik Tok and California Girls are the same song with slightly different lyrics. Seriously. Youtube them, they have the same beat. I can't believe they are both nominated for 14* awards..each.

*True Fact

-I do like Borno's new favorite band, Florence and the Machine. It is nice to see something honest, original, and not auto-tuned. Kind of unfortunate that MTV doesn't actually play any of these videos anymore. Kind of unfortunate for kids these days, not knowing the joy of watching a 30 minute episode of MTV Jams or Video Mash-up just for one song you really wanted to hear. I remember suffering through some shitty Pearl Jam videos while praying the next one was Gangsta's Paradise.

-I love how both Taylor Swift and Kanye both released new songs at the VMA's. And that both were about Kanye.

-Taylor Swift's original song should have been called, "Kanye I'm not old enough to have heard your music"

-Kanye's original song should've been, "You're no Rhianna, and I'm no Chris Brown"

-Drake should not be famous. His monotone is painful and his rhymes are trendy and lame. Why is hip hop so commercial? I don't want to throw it in the bag, or make it em say ahhh, fly airplanes or even evacuate the dance floor. I want to drive slow, while I got five on it like a g-thang. Baby!

-I hope that song isn't on Kanye's new album.

..and who was this guy?

I remember when I used to look forward to the VMA's. Either i'm losing touch with the youth....or MTV is. Either way, it's depressing.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

how have i not seen this before?

So I was reading my FB feed this evening when I saw this gem of a video:

I mean, I ate "Mad Men" up like a quart of fro-yo this summer, but this clip is so G-D silly that I couldn't stop at just one. Now, before I moved out to the Midwest, I spent a bit of time in Boston (by the by, blog posts to come about my experiences tailgating a University of Iowa football game with what felt like 10,000 other Hawkeyes and witnessing a row of cows being milked via metal udder-pump). Let me just say, this clip combines the drunken yet brilliant sense of camaraderie of AMC's Madison Avenue ad men with that raw uncouth quality of Scorsese's Southie Irish flunkies.

In a nutshell, MA Men made me think of the East Coast brethren I left behind. And it made me want to watch this video again:

As much as I'm loving Iowa, the East Coast is just so much funnier. I love watching clips and thinking to myself, "I know people just like that." And I love how Nat Faxon from "Orange County" and "Beerfest" makes an appearance as a gay.

I guess what they say is's funny 'cuz it's true.
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

These are our Heroes....

Yes I was that guy. A 32 year old child.

First off, it was great seeing you all again this summer. And I especially liked the family meals we had together- we might consider starting up the Bachelor Pizza blog soon.

As you may know, when I was a young boy, I heard a CD called The College Dropout. I hadn't listened to rap music in a long time; in fact, the last rapper I had supported was Coolio, and my mom threw my Coolio tape out the car window.

Between this new guy Kanye, and the homies from G-Unit, I was all about rap music again. I even bought a G-Unit spinning necklace, which I think got snatched by one of my fans at a concert, or I might have given it to a girl to impress her.


But this Kanye guy was something else. He had the best songs- "She got a light-skinned friend look like Michael Jackson; got a dark-skinned friend look like Michael Jackson (probably still his best line)" everybody wanted to work with him, and he seemed to really care about making good music. It was this crazy overnight success story that turned out to be anything but that.

After that, I got really interested in music production, because I wanted to be the first to find the next Kanye. Of course, it still hasn't happened, so I'll have to end up doing it myself, but that's all right; I can handle it.

The problem is that we used to be able to rely on Kanye. And as wild and strange as he was, he was reliable. He wasn't necessarily humble, but he kept his ego in check and could focus on the music.

Now, well....

Kanye unleashed some gems on twitter today, trying to explain himself as best you can in 140 letters or less a thought. Some people might go about it a different way, but that's Kanye for you.

You can keep up with Kanye and his twittering here, but please don't give him any more followers.

I must warn you, in the words of Kanye...

These tweets have no manager, no publicist , no grammar checking... this is raw

A few of my favorites:

Some people's truth is Kanye is racist... It's not my truth but I do believe it's my Karma.... walk with me...

Huh? So Kanye is still all hung up on this Taylor Swift thing.

With the help of strong will, a lack of impathy, a lil alcohol and extremely distasteful & bad timing ... I became George Bush over night

So you're George Bush now? The same guy who doesn't care about you? And a "lil alcohol?"

This wasn't a night out at the club by the way; this was an nationally televised award show that you can wear suits or leather shirts to. But it is a nice shirt:

It is distasteful to cut people off as a general rule. What's the point of dressing tastefully if I'm going to act the complete opposite?

Oh, and that bottle of Hennessy has it's own twitter as well.

Remember in Anchor Man when Ron Burgandy cursed on air and the entire city turned on him? But this wasn't a joke. This was & is my real life

In case you were wondering, this is a pretty serious thing.

And of course, my ultimate favorite- Kanye, who are you hanging out with?

I was chilling with this white girl having a conversation and she cut me off and said... Hold up... I thought you didn't like us?!

If you google Asshole my face may very well pop up 2 pages into the search.

Something makes me think Kanye has been googling assholes and was very surprised by what he found.

Who's seen the play Wicked? I've seen it 4 times! Other than loving the music acting and costumes... it's my story!!!

The Wicked witch of the west basically is so convicted to tell her truth when she does it she is outcasted by society and turned WICKED

Just to show that Kanye has a little culture, and can see that everything is a metaphor for his life. You see, it's the Wicked Witch of the.... WEST!!

It goes on with Kanye employing some very deep philosophies on his life...

Humanity and Empathy are 2 of the 4 principles at facebook. Those were the 2 principles I was missing on that evening

He then starts going into the layers of Kanye West and the justification for speaking in the third person.

Kanye, come back to us, homie. You don't need to be this guy anymore.

The main reason for me getting all worked up is that Kanye has a new album coming out. More importantly, it's a new rap album. And while I didn't hate 808's and Heartbreak, I am itching to hear the only guy who makes good rap albums make another one. Otherwise it might be time to buy some skinny jeans and start listening to white people music again, and I just can't stomach that right now.

I'm ready to get out of my own way. The ego is overdone... it's like hoodies

I just hope he means it. The problem with reinforcing these negative stereotypes is that eventually we're all going to forget the guy who just wanted a good ass job.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Double Rainbow

Ok, it's official - Rainbows are in fact gay. Double rainbows however are insanly badass. This video recorded by a part time MMA fighter will give you an entirely new look at the homosexual light spectrum. Once you've seen this, then watch the auto-tuned remix and you'll never get it out your head.

Music Remix

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