Monday, September 13, 2010

Random Thoughts from the MTV Video Music Hoe-wards 2K10

-First off, does anyone else think it's funny that MTV has become like KFC in that they only use their initials? Kinda like how everyone said they can't call it Kentucky Fried Chicken because it's not technically chicken, you can't call MTV Music Television because they don't technically play music.

-Usher was only invited because he brought Beiber.

-Speaking of Beiber, I am going to try him on a new scale that I use to judge boy pop stars. I believe that a male pop star can only write love songs until he actually gets laid consistently. All of the major ones of the past few decades have faltered around their early 20's and stopped making music. Example; when was the last time we heard Justin Timberlake sing?
The only one to make it was MJ, who made pop hits well into his 50's...because he had no interest in getting pussy. I'm sure there is a connection somehow.

-Chelsea Handler is the anti-boner. She's like bitchy single older lady at the family parties that all of your relatives like and you can't figure out why. She's not particularly funny or attractive, but she always brings vodka so everyone thinks she's cooler than she is.

-Katy Perry, Keisha, and Lady Gaga are terrible at public speaking. They are borderline special people. Considering how fake their music is and how moderately attractive they are, I do not understand how they got so popular.

-Tik Tok and California Girls are the same song with slightly different lyrics. Seriously. Youtube them, they have the same beat. I can't believe they are both nominated for 14* awards..each.

*True Fact

-I do like Borno's new favorite band, Florence and the Machine. It is nice to see something honest, original, and not auto-tuned. Kind of unfortunate that MTV doesn't actually play any of these videos anymore. Kind of unfortunate for kids these days, not knowing the joy of watching a 30 minute episode of MTV Jams or Video Mash-up just for one song you really wanted to hear. I remember suffering through some shitty Pearl Jam videos while praying the next one was Gangsta's Paradise.

-I love how both Taylor Swift and Kanye both released new songs at the VMA's. And that both were about Kanye.

-Taylor Swift's original song should have been called, "Kanye I'm not old enough to have heard your music"

-Kanye's original song should've been, "You're no Rhianna, and I'm no Chris Brown"

-Drake should not be famous. His monotone is painful and his rhymes are trendy and lame. Why is hip hop so commercial? I don't want to throw it in the bag, or make it em say ahhh, fly airplanes or even evacuate the dance floor. I want to drive slow, while I got five on it like a g-thang. Baby!

-I hope that song isn't on Kanye's new album.

..and who was this guy?

I remember when I used to look forward to the VMA's. Either i'm losing touch with the youth....or MTV is. Either way, it's depressing.
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DutchMasters said...

Awards shows really are a waste of time.

I came on here to talk about Flo Jo and the Machine as well. That was the best part.

And it's too bad the kids have the internet these days. Look at how many views some of the top videos have on youtube. You know how much MTV Jams you'd have to watch to see Coolio 100 million times?!

I agree with everything you said, but I think a hate of pop music is the thread that binds us all. I was at the Moneyballs set yesterday, talking with this kid for about 2 hours about movies that are cool and girls that are attractive in those movies, and then, after this nonstop line of questioning asking me what other movies are coming out, he asks if I have headphones, and puts on Drake's "Find Your Love" on repeat. "Can I listen to some music? But I don't want you to leave though. Is that cool?" This story sounds kind of gay in retrospect, but he was also telling me how good the VMA's were, but that the Emmy's were better.

There certainly is an audience for this shit.

And that's Deadmau5, who's trying to out-weird Daft Punk.

And Chelsea Handler does suck. It's not cute or cool to hear older women talk like frat guys. It's never good when you'd rather listen to Ellen DeGeneres over anybody.

Bobby Crooked said...

I forgot to mention that I also really like aziz ansari's comments before kanye's performance. Nice to see someone sticking up for kanye and how ridiculously over blown out of proportion that whole situation was.