Monday, September 14, 2009

Matrix Reloaded Review

The matrix reloaded might be the corniest movie ever, by using both the flashforward and the it was all a dream bit in the same moment in the opening scene

-first line to new agents - hiya fellas, then upgrades? Pointless fight, followed by here's something cool I can do now as he flies away

-oh baby let's make out the first moment were alone. Were so much in love

-there's no need for a fight on top of the truck in the matrix 2 if the agent just morphs into the truck driver to begin with. There's no point for neo to fight all those agent smiths if he's just going to fly away anyways

-dontya feel like George Lucas wrote the two matrix sequels as well?

-Zion is the dumbest place Ive ever seen. That's the best they can do? I saw Walle, how about at least a swimming pool? You got all the money, and if they blew up Zion 6 times before, there must be a few nice pieces of furniture at least. How about a cow for a little dairy?

-Zion is dumb, but ghost rider holy shit.

Ghost rider review

- maybe after I find out my dad has cancer, the devil will show up. But maybe the devil is sending these letters himself, tricking these fools into doing what he wants their kids to do

-dad, I feel like I'm a young Nicholas cage

-man, that devil went back on his word? Can't trust that devil.

-going to take dads bike on a death run wth no helmet down this gravel road. It's what he would have wanted.

-you can't punch the devil? Who came up with that rule?

-I'll meet up with you again when you're hotter and I'm older

-yeah, I always close my eyes too when I'm jumping about 18 trucks on a motorcycle.

-this one of them fancy beer bottles that gets cold when I touch it?

-sand fellow, wet watery guy, bob Marley looking guy travels on smoke: good to see you all

-I go for natural forms of adrenaline like drinking a pot of coffee

-lil Wayne's definition of what a gangsta is that they do what they want at All times. Nic cage is A gangsta.

-what's the most played out way to indicate someones going fast?

How about radar detector?

Too played out.

Blow the cop up?

Now were cracking

-Nic Cage turning into Ghost Rider the first time... Wow.

-when you've run out of ideas, use the flaming chain as a fake tornado to capture a bad guy like a ghostbuster.

The same chain we used to throw that helicopter that it flew off with?

-Just like the water transformer, the water devil can't hang out with the group unless they're at the beach or a walk along the river bank

-While Ghost Rider was underwater, he lit the water devil on fire

-Ghost Rider's other attack is to throw fire snow balls

-Ah! I got ghost in my mouth!

-Matrix and ghost rider on commercial. I will not watch top gun. That
might be my least favorite movie. What else is on?

King Arthur review

-everyone, instead of moving across the ice quickly and evenly ,
let's stop a lot.

-I don't want to watch this anymore. What a fucking lame movie.

-x men 3 is also on. That is all.

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