Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 12: Ski Bunnies and Snow Mansions

El Paso, TX to Taos, NM
418 Miles


We've had some close calls on this journey, but trying to sneak by U.S. Border Control with contraband was by far the most nerve wracking. Luckily, if you look really white- AKA blond and/or big American beard- good to go.

Full steam ahead to the mountains of Taos, New Mexico, we were slowed only by the accident-prone drivers of Albuquerque. We made it to the Abominable Snowmansion by nightfall, a haven for ski bums on a budget.

Unfortunately, the word was that the snow wasn't quite all there yet, so we went to the bars to get drunk. Taking a nice 9 degree pub crawl around Taos, we heard the one man band man country superstar at the Taos Inn and met his biggest fan Tyler, a ski bum with a martini glass.

Grandpa's hat got around a little bit on this trip.

We then strolled down to the El Monte Resort and Spa, running smack into Secret Santa Ladies' Night. With a few inappropriate comments on the thoughtfulness of novelty shower heads as gifts, we were in.

Rob is in there somewhere dancing by himself, but close to other people at least.

We followed the girls to the Alley Cantina for a little live music and some shuffleboard. However, quickly realizing that the hardest girl to get is one with all of her friends, we hit the hay back at the Snowmansion and hit the road early the next morning. 

Lot of cats at the Snowmansion.

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