I had heard this song on the radio, and thought it was stupid. Of course that's when I thought it was about a phone ringing in a club. How ignorant of me. Of course I should have known that the phone ringing was metaphorical for Lady Gaga getting out of prison then staging a mass murder at a diner with Beyonce in tow. Speaking of her, isn't it odd that Beyonce is in this? She must be hitting that age (30) where she's nervous about losing that younger audience, kind of like MC Hammer's new song, "Whatever you kids are into, count me in too".

I don't think Beyonce quite understands what's going on, she just assumes Lady Gaga knows what she's doing. Was it just me or was anyone else waiting for Kanye to show up in this one, with his lonely heart bear. If he liked "Single Ladies" then he's going to love this...
"Best-er music video of all time!"
I like the part with the Miracle Whip. Supposedly they paid a shitload to have Gaga squeeze that bottle.
I miss videos like the Aerosmith one with Alicia Silverstone.
WTF is this? Does anyone need to see an ugly women try and create art? By posting this you are doing the world a disservice. I think everyone in that video belongs in prison.
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