Tuesday, November 3, 2009

An Interview w/ DJ Scratch Ticket

MC: Yo Scratch man, seems like you been upset recently, care to let the folks out there know what's going on?

DJ ST: Absolutely... I be real upset with this whole pig aids thing.. I mean why these people been gettin wid da pigs? Like ma Boy jewl say in Pulp fiction, it be a filth animal so why you wanna get wid dat? lyin in da mud all day eatin garbage, that is just nasty.

MC: Ummmmm I'm not sure that's how it works scratch... i think it is passed like the reagular flu.

DJ ST: Oh now you trippin on me?!? tryin to tell me some %$@#? let me tell u sumtin, I be in da no. I heard all dis pig kissin stuff goin on and i no dis to be how it start. like you no anyting to be takin to me!

MC: Take it easy there scratch... let's not say things we will later regret.

DJ ST: Look Mista brown shoes are so special.... I have a hole clik a folk that be on board wid dis an i tryin to get them talkin. Go drown your ass in a reef and let a dingo eat you baby....ain't nobody want no Bitch ass who cant keep his bitch ass lips closed.

MC: And on that note we will end the interview here......

Tune in next week when we discuss current events.

end transcript.
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