Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Intro Lyrics From the MegaMillions debut album YO' Friendly Neighbor-HOOD

I got a Nickel -Yo' Scratch Hit The Ticket
You Know it's One in a Million-
But I'm so thrillin'
Here to Poop on your life
Shit on your wife
Grab a Knife and Slice Slice Slice
What's left of your life
into two dollar strife's
Between you and yours over
the next big score
I'm Megamillions and I'm here to Ruin
Yo' Life
One Dolla the price
It always so shiny and clean
inside the liquor store you lost all your hopes and your dreams
Where you lost all of your means......
I'm Out. Peace. Whatever.
I'm Just Yo' Friendly Neighbor-HOOD
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1 comment:

MegaMillions said...

I expect this to be rehersed and produced by the end of the week Mr. Gale