Thursday, November 26, 2009

Worst statement contest

name the worst single statement someone can make that is true.

to start

I once played just the tip and lost. True story.
Digg this


NateDogg said...

"i'm pregnant,you're the father"

"you might wanna get tested"

"I'm pretty sure you have HPV"

The Dog Father said...

I should really learn to read. I was writing from the perspective of Dutchmaster.

DutchMasters said...


"I banged your ex-girlfriend."

"Guess why I dumped her? Join the club."

DutchMasters said...

Fuck you doggfather.

Sam Ziergiebel said...

if we are going by dutchmasters point of view that just opens the door wide open
for instance

well good morning sleepy, my names eric by the way

DutchMasters said...

By the way, sorry I missed the Zergies on Kick a Ginger Day last Friday. Consider it an IOUafootintheface. Happy Holidays!