Friday, July 2, 2010

Signs you're watching a good Nic Cage film

With the internet chock full of advice on which Cage flicks to avoid, I thought I'd take this opportunity to highlight a few movie moments that should encourage the viewer to stay the course and be rewarded.

1. If Nic Cage is bench-pressing strippers, you're watching a good Nic Cage movie.

2. If Nic Cage is obsessed with camel toes, you're watching a good Nic Cage movie.

3. If Nic Cage is playing a Russian immigrant with absolutely no accent, and banging Tom Brady's sloppy seconds, you're watching a good Nic Cage movie.

4. If Nic Cage has got a panty on his head, you're watching a good Nic Cage movie.

5. If Nic Cage is a chemical superfreak but he still needs a gun, you're watching a good Nic Cage movie.

Coincidentally, if Sean Connery is in the movie, you're watching a good Sean Connery movie.

Nothing says action like matching turtlenecks.

6. If Nic Cage is using Pink Sno-Balls as prison currency, you're watching a good Nic Cage movie.

Furthermore, if Nic Cage tells you to tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree, that means he's coming home to his ladies, coming home.... forever.

You should also put the bunny back in the box.

And of course...

7. If Nic Cage's face can be cut off and put on another guy, and that guy instantly gets all of Nic Cage's powers, then you are watching the best movie ever.

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Anonymous said...

This could go down as one of those age old questions. Is Nic Cage a good actor? I love the division this question brings. I'm convinced that 50% of people love him and 50% hate him. really groundbreaking stuff.

Anonymous said...

That's because 50% of the people out there are stupid...