Friday, April 23, 2010

R.I.P. Guru

Just wanted to say that it really is an awful thing for people to die so young.

I believe that losing a guy like Guru can only mean that old school hip hop truly is dead.

My favorite album of theirs is definitely Moment of Truth.

To cheer everyone up, I found this.

The singer Nate Dogg is recovering from a second stroke, and wants to hear from his fans. Here is his address:

Nathaniel Hale
8306 Wilshire Blvd #484
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Also, because his mom is reading him the letters, he requests that you hold back the bad language.

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1 comment:

Lissy said...

Is guru really dead!?

..Or is this like that time you told me you didn't have crabs..