Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Cousin Leonid - Hot and Single

Dear readers,

My family was lucky enough to emigrate to America from Russia in 1973, however I still have several family members who live outside of Moscow, way outside. I know this is not a dating service, but I promised my best cousin Leonid that I would toss a line out to all the sexy ladies who read BRM to see if anyone is interested in a Russian House Husband. He is very eager to come to the US and has been practicing his dance moves to sweeten the deal. Please let me know if you are interested.

There is a recent photo of him below. Here are his STATS:

Age: 36
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 268 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Everywhere
Wagon: Covered
Interests: Guitar Hero, Guns, Borscht

Personal Quote: "Ladies, give me chance to make happy, I bring sex appeal like never you seen before. Bow wow, chicky chicky!"


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Anonymous said...

That is just gross!

Bobby Crooked said...

and hilarious.

The Dog Father said...

Seems like the complete package.Is he a Russian model too?

JerseyJew said...

Oh yea, I forgot to mention that he is actually a Russian model. His latest campaign for Russian cat food conglomerate, roughly translated to "Happy Wet Cat" was a success. He can be seen on buses and billboards all across the country side with the slogan, "Happy Wet Cat, give your pussy what it wants."