Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Robot's Birthday Party

On Tuesday we conveined a special session of our film advisory board to address quesitons regarding claims of inferior film making in Rocky 2, Beverly Hills Cop 2, & Fletch Lives. It was decided that neither Beverly Hills Cop 2 or Fletch Lives were even up for discussion as they are a moot points; Both are inconic masterpieces of the late 1980s. The question of the accomplishments made in Rocky 2 were debated and it was ulitmatly decided that it was a transition film that was never followed up upon. However, the "actual" turning point for the rocky franchise was made in the above scene. The official Shark Jump can be seen above for those with continued interest in this important matter.
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Bobby Crooked said...

I love how the robot is supposed to be high tech. It looks like a giant omni-bot.

DutchMasters said...

Why they thought Stallone should write and direct Rocky's 2-4, plus 6, I'll never understand.

It's clear that no one could tell this guy no.

Bobby Crooked said...

Or maybe the studios understood that this was pure comedic genius. Look at Stallone, even he can't keep a straight face when the giant bug robot comes in singing happy birthday in auto tune.