Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hip Hop is Dead Part 1

L.R.: Why did you have permanent diamonds drilled into your bottom teeth?

Kanye: I just like diamond teeth and I didn’t feel like having to take them out all the time.

The only possible downside....

I swear my love bracelet and gold & diamond teeth always set off the metal detector

By the way, he bought the love bracelet for himself. Let's have a toast for the douche bags.

In Kanye's words, "I'll never change, I'm too stuck in my ways."

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Bobby Crooked said...

Did you see his banned album cover? Kayne's so crazy.

DutchMasters said...

"I can't have a picture of me and my phoenix?"

No Kanye, you can't have crudely drawn pictures of naked paraplegics on your album cover.

Go Giants!