Saturday, November 1, 2008

Captain Planet: The Movie

-Ben Affleck should be constantly trashed during filming and in between scenes hitting on every Spanish co-star, extra, groupie, jantiorial worker. I could see him being beligerent and calling them all J-Hoe, Ms. New Booty, Maid in your ass, butt so big when she walk it clap?

-Al Gore is the Writer, Director, Producer, Co-Star.

-Following recent Superhero trends, the movie producers try to make Captain Planet more dark and brooding, adding in some amazing special effects and metal crunching sounds. The Planet Rangers would all be serious actors while Ben Affleck gets shitfaced and acts ridiculous..until the camera starts rolling, at which time Ben kicks into character and nails the Captain Planet role with all seriousness.

-Could gas guzzling Transformers be Captain Planets ultimate enemy? Possibly kids who dont recycle? Close-minded Republicans? His ultimate quest to convert the world to Hybrids?
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