Saturday, November 1, 2008

20 Things to know before age 20

20. All of the words to at least one Notorious B.I.G song. At the VERY least one complete verse.

18. How to roll a blunt. Pretty much goes with the B.I.G

16. How to funnel a beer.*
*without spilling less than a 1/4

14. Enough words in another language to pick up a girl. The ability to order a drink is bonus points.

12.How to drive shift. Easy one, James Bond does it.

10. How to get hard when drunk. Jack Daniels should be your friend, not your enem.

8. How to boot and rally. This comes before learning when its time to just call it a night.

6. One fancy bottle of wine/champagne to order when trying to impress. If you pernounce the t at the end of merlot then you're failing.

4. How to make an ex-girlfriend jealous. Indifference can be key, and if all else fails a best friend can be a last resort.

2. How to look cool when putting on a rubber. It seems impossible, but better that than herpasyphilitis.
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