Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lazy Afternoon

-The new Die Hard movie should've been called "Old Habits: Die Hard"- Idea blatantly stolen from the mind of Hannah French

-If you fuck a MILF, does she become a MIF?

-"I remember the day I learned I was an average student, I was fucking my spanish teacher and she kept yelling, "C!, C!"

-There should be a liscense test for drunk driving. If you pass the course you can have a couple extra hundreths on a breathalizer.

-"Hey, you know why I don't have a girlfriend? Fuckin' global warming, man."

-False Descriptions of a first car; Power steering= It takes power to turn it. 4-60 AC=put the windows down and go 60, Voice activated radio aka kareoke style = sing it yourself.

-It really paints quite the picture when a co-worker informs you, with a straight face, that his girlfriend used to be hot before she gained 100 pounds, you know, back when she was like 180ish.

-I would like to see more sarcasm in sign language.

-The AYC's new equalizer for bay series; top 3 winners gets free drinks at the bar, the season winner gets a free trip to rehab and their own Intervention episode.
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