Monday, March 10, 2008

Defense for Ninjas*

*This is not to say, in anyway, that ninjas are better than pirates, because as previously stated, pirates rule.

-Ninjas are masters of deception, therefor they must get mad bitches. Like the hot geisha bitches who do the naughty naughty.

-No one can tell if you're wearing underwear under a robe, constant freeballin'.

-Hook hands, although nice for opening beers, seem a little dangerous.

-Ninjas have the ability to grow amazingly sweet facial hair. Imagine the yet to be seen eyebrow comb-over.

-Ninjas also enjoy farting and are masters of 'silent but deadly'

-Getting drunk at sea can only add to the spins.

-You never hear about a ninja getting lost at sea and having to eat nasty shit like leather boots and rats. this might be because you never hear about ninjas.

-Ninjas don't mutiny, so if you make it to head ninja you're set for life and get to whack people with your old man stick whenever they disrespect you.

-Skinny guys make the best ninjas, bruce lee could kick your ass.

-Sake bombs and general gao chicken is enjoyed by ninjas nightly.

-Pirates think women on your ship is bad luck sometimes being given the term ass pirates. kinda gay.

-Ninjas always have cool, Alfred from batman type servants who guard their secret lairs.

-Plus ninjas have secret lairs, awesome. Possibly under the alias of 'dojo' which in japanese means 'secret lair with hot bitches' it's a rough translation but i m pretty sure it's accurate.

-Ninjas always spend their money in a rap star type fashion buying cool shit like solid gold temples and swords encrusted with diamonds. Pirates always bury their treasure then die leaving a map. how could you not remember something like that? unless you were really really drunk.
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