Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Die hard 4 Review


I want realistic gunfights in movies.

Bruce Willis has said Just hang on twice in a row.

Less obvious shots; dont be highlighting just the roof lights on a cop car getting shot out- show the tunnel in a one-shot with the car- be much more dually constructive with your shot- clean visual frame, shaking only when necessary,

Headlights come out of nowhere in a dark tunnel?

Cloverfield monster was good at sneaking

Bruce Willis grunts a lot more in his old age, talks to himself a little too much;

Headlights again for no reason- I know they light up when a cop hits a siren

I'm tired of seeing the bottoms of stunt cars

Reusing the same low angle swoop for every car turn

And still, it's the daughter getting kidnapped plot- a cliché that needs to end

Way too formulaic and tired and old with a few new explosions not captured in a visually interesting way. Give me fireballs in a warmly lit movie- everything looks too cold for this to be a Die Hard movie. And the French are terrorists? The Eurotrash were bad enough in the third one.

Interesting wandering premise mixed with close quarters battles, but nothing of good substance in the wandering scenes. Bruce likes Credence Clearwater Revival which proves he's old school, but after hearing his Bruno Willis album, I'm not so sure that his opinion on music has “credence.” And why couldn't the kid be normal and like CCR. The more memorable movies have humorous light dialogue, like pairing Bruce with Sam Jackson, or Seth Rogen and James Franco. When you do things like the Mummy and Indiana Jones in terms of pairing of the older/younger, it does not make for enjoyable material. Ricahrd Pryor and Gene Wilder work so well together because Gene Wilder is so nice and subtly funny, and Pryor just kills with his dead pans mixed with out bursts. Stir Crazy was not quite as strong because they spent so much of the finale separate, whereas See No Evil, Hear No Evil, they become friends so quickly and complement each other, rather than have one get tossed dialogue softballs so he can shout and be tough and call everyone out. Die Hard 1 works so well because he just talks to himself and generates actual tension by slowly going crazy over the course of the film- when you finally see him at the end, you know he had a shitty evening. Here he looks like he got splattered with ketchup. Although the end of die hard 3 earns points for having him be so ridiculously bloody and covered in oil. A parody of Die Hard could be interesting yet the film has almost become a parody of the movies that Die Hard blew out of the water.

Everyone knows that the white house didn't blow up; it's like the blue wire/red wire scene that gets used so often for fake tension.
“the tunnel!”

Watching Bruce bat eyelashes to make a joke in a super uncomfortable scene of tricking onstar to start a car.

They just mentioned the Warlock, and I'm already dreading seeing Kevin Smith. He is just about the worst side character in every movie. Like what would happen if Justin Long kept eating.
Try to refrain from using “blah blah blah” in a movie. You're giving away the fact that you're maknig fun of yourself and the audience by stealing their money for a few blue explosions and bruce willis calling people the worst PG-13 nicknames he can. I think this movie would have been a lot better if Bruce had grown out what hair he had left. Keep it real R-rated, and show, rather than tell, that he's getting too old for this shit. Have an arm pop off, piss himself, take a nap immediately after eating.

The great part about Die Hard is that it hits so close to what is familiar and comfortable. Office parties, marital strife, Christmas pain- this one takes place in a factory? It is not as familiar, slightly overblown- the only reason these 4th films in a series should be made as total comedy with a $200 million budget. Hopefully Tropic Thunder will be the start of the high budget epic action comedy- Probably the best last one was Men in Black.

The best part is definitely this fight in the elevator shaft with the chick if only for the fact that they found a way for him to hit her with a car while she was in a control room with no hallways that wide, and then manages to drive down an elevator shaft. It's also a great homage to the first film and expanding on the concept in a Die Hard way. Too much cell phone use in movies, it's too easy, visually uninteresting, and without any actual acting- you need to be face to face for that. Watching cell phone conversations in movies is like playing Metal Gear solid 4. Both that and Grand Theft Auto 4 relied too much on old tricks and in the end, the gameplay was not new and exciting enough to warrant repeat
play time, something the halo does not do but Call of Duty does.

This kid is a real naysaying bitch, not really getting on the team. I wish at least they'd let him actually make fun of old bruce instead of just taking it from mr. Cleans grandpa.

They blow up the White House! They blow up the ground; no real memorable explosions. For whatever reason, this film does not generate fear or tension because you are never unsure of what will happen next, as you've seen this type of movie 100 times with the same plot each time, and 3 of them were called Die Hard, so those were all really similar. No great villain, the threat of my power going out just doesn't quite do it.

I love how computers are portrayed in this movie. “it's an e-bomb!” whatever happened to just using regular bombs. Never windows or mac, some new evil terrorist operating system.

This movie just ends up having too much filler, because it has too much extraneous in-depth plot that slows down the movie, whereas Die Hard 1 had a one sentence plot that can explained visually; like a song with too many elements- joke from Walk Hard is a good example of this.

I like your idea of reinventing silent films- a great fake special feature on DVD's should be the ability to watch the movie without sound. The era of visual storytelling needs to return, instead of this high gloss high flash no reward filmmaking where every new idea is usually bad. Da Vinci Code is a perfect example of how not to make a movie, and perhaps book too. Iron Man is a great example of a great mix of old school moviemaking with new CG tricks.
New example of telephone conversation scene- this video conference scene. Bruce “I'm know I'm not as smart as you guys with this computer shit.” The first movie never belittled its main character. He was always in situations he could figure out like an adult, like covering a microphone to kill sound, not the camera lens.

Listening to voices over the phone in a movie is like like at an out of focus shot; it's just not interesting and it's not fair to the actors.

Bruce is getting a lot more feminine in each of his movies.

That is a very fake looking FBI badge, and why would the FBI come to get you out of an elevator? How about the mexican custodial crew?

Oh great, we're on our way to another boring factory facility, which the equivalent of a hallway in a first person shooter.

Senseless slaughter doesn't really do anything for me in PG-13 movies, because it never intense enough to convey it's true meaning.

If you are going to make a PG-13 movie, make a movie for that nature, rather than force another movie into that package Batman does a good job of this. With four 4 R rated movies being the best in quality this summer, I only hope we see more and more of them, although the Happening may have ruined that possibility.

“It's above your paygrade.” “Grrrrr.....”

The fight with the free-running guy is a major disappointment, considering how much better it was in Casino Royale- one of the best scenes in recent memory. Instead, we get unnecessary unmemorable characters in a bloated but empty film- like a Mummy movie.

The French is such a terrible idea for terrorists, whether it is parody or not. They are so overplayed- a French bodybuilder and a guy who can jump really far are the best villains?

Computers are just not interesting film devices. I want to a film to be timeless, and cell phones and laptops all unnecessarily date the actions of the characters. Using slightly older cars, regular fashions; I think all movies should be set about 10 years before they are released.

I like how Bruce is interrupted and defeated in the midst of trying to be a smartass. But the grinder in the floor is such a lame gag, especially if you cant show it. But bruce shouting oh no afterwards is pretty good. He actually uses words this time.

Reuse of the shooting through the door of the 18 wheeler gag.

Use of the old hambone CB radio is a nice touch for the old guy, but it is just another scene of Bruce yelling for no reason, although chewing out Kevin Smith for being a bitch isn't bad.

Fake plane flying past a fake camera that fake shakes. And why doesnt the plane just shoot all of its missiles at this guy right away. Blow that guy up! An incredibly uncredible unexciting battle. How does that machine gun shoot through the top of a door but not the bottom of it?
What pilot in their right mind would put that expensive of a plane in harm's way like that? What's the point of being able to shoot missiles 50 mile if you don't ever use it?

Gotta pull that gun out at the end of the scene and let out a “eh”

10 sec countdown just shows how big a pussy both parties are. You wont pull the trigger, and this kid is too much of a bitch to make a decision in less than 3 movie seconds.

Gag repetition in movies, as well as callbacks are worthless too, especially when the gag shoudn't work in the first place. Your holstered gun doesn't point at your toe, it points to the side of your foot.

Shooting yourself to kill the bad guy is a great parody moment.

Now the FBI gets there. McClane got there faster and he was walking for most of it.

Another factory- how nice.

Why couldn't the kid be scheming on the daughter a lot more?

Great last line- can I go to the hospital now? I haven't been in like 4 movies.

I'll tell you though- Bruce and CCR go nicely together. They should think of that nice time instead of getting the guy who's only other credits were Underworld 1 and 2 to make your movie.

Any guy other than the trailer guy narrating movies doesn't work at all. They will definitely get an impersonator for him if he ever dies.

Who's idea was it to stop capitalizing words in titles?

I really don't care for any of the actors in All the King's Men, and how am I supposed to believe a retard becoming governor of Lousiana is based on a true story?

That is the best teaser- we may or may not be making this movie- here is a possible title and maybe it's coming soon?

Movies with just opening credits suck.

Why don't hitmen ever actual kill anyone? They just shoot you once and figure youll die eventually?

Why would she go to an english presentation and speak French expecting to get a response?

Boring nondescript person standing in front of boring wall speaking Latin on a phone. Cut to hit boring shapeless shadow of person still talking. And why do I want to see a person whipping themselves naked?

More bloody naked old guys.

Idea for opening: Start with sleeping man passed out at strip club.
Follow with guys making song and music video for strippers to dance to.
Later on make fake movie trailer and poster to sell to movie theater.
Basic premise- guys pulling all sorts of moneymaking schemes during the day to fund their nightly shenanigans

What's frustrating from one angle might be comical from another, but a balance of symbiotic/parasitic humor is important.

When someone says its a matter of life and death; it's definitely not a trick. They need to talk to you.

They use “the” in france for their anagrams? All the puzzles have been nicely translated for the audience.

Stealing gags from Die Hard 3? but because you use a mini car and show how mini it is and how it can improbably escape the police its okay.

You just noticed that haxo 24 written on the side of it? At night in the dark?

Smacking the sister upside the head is pretty good gag, nice that it comes in the middle of a sentence you really did not care to hear the end of. When a movie delivers on exactly what the audience is thinking, those are moments of perfection.

Being claustrophobic is a pretty lame character trait, allowing for only lame jokes and weak breaks of tension.

It took her that long to open it? This movie delays itself in order to show back story, when it should be developing them at the same time. And computers that shut down after one incorrect password attempt or the cryptex that will destroy your message if you drop it? Not very smart.

Yeah, shoot at the armored truck some more. That seems to be working.

The handicapped limping serial killer beats the police to their most important suspect.

“Leigh, would you mind giving us some more information instead of staring at the cryptex and making sex noises?”

“you know I'm Opus Dei right?” Oh, that's what that pin you always wear means?
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